Alzforum is a great resource for anyone interested in the science behind neurodegenerative diseases. With a focus on Alzheimer’s Disease, Alzforum highlights and summarizes milestone papers from many forms of dementia.
Mendely is a great tool for organizing scientific literature. Save them to the cloud and access them anywhere by keyword, author, or subject.
ResearchGate is like Meta mixed with bitesized bio. They have a great section forQ & A, wherescientists ask other scientists how to optimize their experiments, troubleshoot, or just explain a mechanism. is the twitter of research articles. Customize your feeds, sit back and let relevant scientific papers find you. is the twitter of research articles. Customize your feeds, sit back and let relevant scientific papers find you.
Bitesize bio is “the missing manual for bioscientists”. They have very good resources for anyone in the life sciences.